


Photo of 科尔布罗德海德 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: My favorite organization on campus would have to be Alpha Kappa Lambda or Gold Side because of all the fun memories they have given me!

最喜欢的校园场所: My favorite spot on campus is either the hammocks near Strong Hall, 或是满月下的田径场! It’s so pretty at night time on campus, especially with an open sky!

关于你有趣的事情: One fun fact about me is that I am double jointed in multiple parts of my body.

Photo of 玛蒂Cleckler wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: Chi Omega姐妹会

最喜欢的校园场所: 农民大厅

关于你有趣的事情: I did archery for six years and can shoot an apple off of a mannequin!

Photo of Rechelle戴维斯 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: Sigma Gamma Rho姐妹会. 还有国旗橄榄球

最喜欢的校园场所: 农民

关于你有趣的事情: 我有10个侄女.

Photo of Allya佛罗伦萨 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: My favorite activity at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 has to be College Night. I adore College Night because you get to meet so many amazing people and you get to be a part of an amazing tradition.

最喜欢的校园场所: I actually have two spots on campus that I like to go to. 一个是晚上在主广场, 这对我来说太放松了, 我可以坐在其中一张长凳上思考. The second place is sitting by the Becoming Sculpture and just looking at campus and its beautiful scenery.

关于你有趣的事情:  几年前, I got the opportunity to sing back up for the Stella Award winning Gospel Artist Bishop Cortez.

Photo of Alivia Gadbaw wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.

Alivia Gadbaw

最喜欢的组织/活动: MOG/蒙特瓦洛游戏组织

最喜欢的校园场所: 布洛赫大厅的吊床

关于你有趣的事情: I have been doing art for almost my entire life and have been published nationally four times for my art.

Photo of 肯锡加德纳 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: Alpha Kappa Lambda


关于你有趣的事情: 我是国民警卫队的.

Photo of 布雷克戈德温 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: 鳄鱼俱乐部

最喜欢的校园场所: 吊床和囊

关于你有趣的事情: I have a twin brother, and I was a gymnast and dancer for 15 years!

Photo of Kat休斯 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: 新生论坛/SGA和Delta Gamma

最喜欢的校园场所: 农民大厅和图书馆

关于你有趣的事情: I love to travel, and I went to Berlin, Germany two years ago to see Harry Styles.

Photo of 玛丽·林恩·杰弗里斯 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: 大学之夜和δ

最喜欢的校园场所: 我最喜欢的卡迈克尔图书馆. I am usually always in there with friends studying and hanging out.

关于你有趣的事情: 我喜欢手工,尤其是钩针编织! 我还有一只最可爱的标准贵宾犬,叫贝儿.

Photo of 古斯塔夫森说Keasler wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: 家庭消费者科学会

最喜欢的校园场所: 的吊床

关于你有趣的事情: 我是五个孩子中的老二, 我喜欢阅读和写诗, 我会弹一点吉他, 我有过目不忘的本事.

Photo of Taylore Kenty wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.

Taylore Kenty

最喜欢的组织/活动: My favorite activity/organization at UM has to be College Night.

最喜欢的校园场所: My favorite spot/place on campus would have to be the campus lake.

关于你有趣的事情: Something that is interesting about me is that I ABSOLUTELY love the Harlem Renaissance era. The evolution of culture, the music, the art, and the clothes excites me. This was area in time where there was a change in motivation for the betterment of Black Americans and a new cultivation of the arts in the community creating what we know today, 与音乐(爵士乐)相关的事物, 拉格泰姆, 蓝调, 等.)和关于自由/解放的文学.

Photo of 约旦Kinney wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: 泛希腊议会

最喜欢的校园场所: 主要四

关于你有趣的事情: 我有乳糜泻.

Photo of 圣人拉赫 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: Even though I’m not a part of the theatre program at Montevallo, I love going to see their shows! 他们总是既专业又有趣. 谁不喜欢好戏剧呢?

最喜欢的校园场所: My favorite spot to hang out on campus is definitely the hammocks. 我喜欢户外活动,吊床超级舒服!

关于你有趣的事情: 我喜欢虫子! I have two tattoos of my favorite bugs, the Goliath beetle and the leopard moth. 我吃素也有九年了.

Photo of 乔丹长 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: 紫色边和

最喜欢的校园场所: 卡迈克尔图书馆

关于你有趣的事情: 我是博士。. 胡椒爱好者.

Photo of 贝拉麦库姆 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: I love our UPC program and all the fun events they host throughout the year!

最喜欢的校园场所: 我最喜欢的地方是农民大厅. There is always something going on and you can usually always find someone you know!

关于你有趣的事情: I collect fun and quirky purses, I love baking for friends and family, and I love animals and games!!



最喜欢的组织/活动: My favorite organization on campus would have to be our University Program Council.

最喜欢的校园场所: 我在校园里最喜欢的地方绝对是农民大厅.

关于你有趣的事情: 我在欧洲住了将近五年, and I’ve also played the flute and piccolo for around eight years!

Photo of 肯德尔•米勒 in a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: 浸信会校园事工和SGA/新生论坛

最喜欢的校园场所: Quad国王和BCM

关于你有趣的事情: 我收藏了很多耳环.


Photo of 贾米娅巴顿 in a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: I enjoy being a participant in both Trio Student Support Services and the MADE Program. It’s a way for me to be around first generation students like me and grow academically.

最喜欢的校园场所: 法默是我在校园里最喜欢的地方之一. I enjoy seeing familiar and unfamiliar faces around on campus.

关于你有趣的事情: An interesting thing about me is I have a podcast called “Say So”


Photo of 大卫Rountree wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: 校内或唇膏

最喜欢的校园场所: 农民大厅

关于你有趣的事情: 中间的孩子


Photo of 伯大尼单例 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: My favorite organization on campus is Theatre Student Organization! I love to do all of the events and workshops they offer throughout the year.

最喜欢的校园场所: 我在校园里最喜欢的地方绝对是农民大厅! 我喜欢去那里学习,和朋友们一起出去玩.

关于你有趣的事情: 我跳踢踏舞已经16年了!


Photo of Skyelar托马斯 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: δ

最喜欢的校园场所: 灵魂的地方

关于你有趣的事情: 我学的是西班牙语.


Photo of Christian托雷 wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt.


最喜欢的组织/活动: Alpha Kappa Lambda和UM环境俱乐部

最喜欢的校园场所: Caf的

关于你有趣的事情: I am really good at being comfortable around other people. 例如, there are many different types of people in my fraternity, yet I still find a way to feel comfortable and involved with them.


Photo of Kylee VanNostrand wearing a purple 取向 Leader polo shirt

Kylee VanNostrand

最喜欢的组织/活动: 环境教育计划

最喜欢的校园场所: 大学的湖

关于你有趣的事情: I danced for 12 years, and I am related to one of Alabama’s 13 ghosts.